Saturday, January 19, 2013

Will you be a Go-Getter or a Grumbler?

One of my favorite old time yarns concerns a travelling salesman who came upon a farmhouse in the middle of the country. He saw an old hound dog sitting on the porch, howling away. After the dog quieted down some, he rang the doorbell and an old farmer came out. He started his sales pitch, and the dog started in again. Again, the dog quieted down, but kicked it up just as the salesman was trying to continue his pitch.

Finally, exasperated, the salesman looked at the farmer and asked "what in the WORLD is wrong with that dog?"

"I dunno", the farmer replied, "probably sat on a burr or something."

"So why doesn't he get off of that burr?"

The farmer shrugged, "I dunno. I guess he'd rather holler".

We have a lot of pressing problems in the world; will you go out and be a go getter, or will you be a grumbler?

In an attempt to make a difference, I have started a petition to create a five year plan to eliminate homelessness on the White House petition site. Won't you join with me and sign the petition so that together we can make a difference? Petition

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